

Hype Charmeur X Stedinger Dressage Gelding
Hype Charmeur X Stedinger Dressage Gelding
Hype Charmeur X Stedinger for Sale
Hype Charmeur X Stedinger Dressage Gelding for Sale


SOLD to Jennifer, USA. A beautiful Dutch warmblood competition sport horse and schoolmaster with a lot of experience!

Age: 9 Years old
Gender: Gelding
Size: 1.67m 16.2hh
Registries: Dutch Warmblood
Breeding: Charmeur x Stedinger
Level: Prix St. George

Hype is a 9 years old gelding who is doing the tempi 4, tempi 3, tempi 2 and the tempi 1, canter pirouettes and a lot more!

Hype is a 100% safe and bombproof to ride sport- and school horse for all ages with a lot of experience!

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