This warmblood glossary of terms is a collection of words associated with Dutch Warmblood horses. Provides details about predicates for warmblood mares and stallions.
This warmblood glossary of terms is a collection of words associated with Dutch Warmblood horses. Provides details about predicates for warmblood mares and stallions.
The Royal Warmblood Studbook of the Netherlands (KWPN for Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek in Nederland) is the registry and studbook for Dutch Warmblood Sporthorses, and it has a history dating back to early in the last century. It deals with breeding goals and rules, inspection and evaluation, promotion, research, and administrative matters for breeders of Dutch horses. Studbook horses are eligible for awards or predicates assigned according to the quality of the individual, and the quality and success of the offspring.
→ Star Studbook mares may be presented for evaluation against a higher standard. Those receiving a First Premium receive the predicate ‘star’. (Approximately 30% of those inspected are designated star.)
→ Keur (k) Star mares 4 years old and older born in 1993 or later can automatically receive a ‘keur’ predicate by completing a sport record and showing a satisfactory foal.
→ Elite Keur mares which have passed the same veterinary exam required of KWPN stallions are eligible for the ‘elite’ predicate.
→ Sport A predicate awarded to mares who compete successfully – 5 dressage scores of 60% or better at 3rd level OR 5 clear jumping rounds at 130cm OR 5 combined training events at preliminary level with a score of not more than 72.5 penalty points.
→ Preferent (Pref) A predicate given to any foal book, studbook, auxiliary foal book, auxiliary studbook, or thoroughbred mare which has produced three WPN foal book registered offspring designated as Star (mares) or Star Quality (stallions and geldings).
→ Prestatie (Pres or Prest) A predicate given to any foal book, studbook, auxiliary foal book, auxiliary studbook, or thoroughbred mare which has produced three WPN offspring which have achieved the equivalent of M + 5 (see glossary) sport levels in dressage, jumping or 3-day event.
→ Crown (Kroon) A performance predicate awarded to stallions, mares and geldings competing on an international level. To be considered, horses must be individually listed in the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses (200 top-ranked dressage horses and 400 top-ranked jumping horses).
→ Licensed (L) Foal book colts or studbook European warmblood sporthorse registered stallions 3 years old and older may be presented for Studbook Inspection, pedigree evaluation and a riding test. If successful they will be designated ‘Licensed’ for Breeding (approximately 15% are accepted).
→ Approved (A) When a Licensed Stallion successfully completes a KWPN recognized Stallion Performance Test, or fulfills performance requirements, the stallion will become ‘Approved’.
→ Star Quality Stallions Colts of especially high quality that do not become licensed may be designated ‘Star Quality’ upon inspection at a keuring.