


A beautiful chestnut Dutch Warmblood “schoolmaster” gelding on PSG / Intermediate I level dressage, easy & bombproof to ride by low level, amateur and experienced riders!

Age: 13 Year old
Gender: Gelding
Size: 1.65m 16.1HH
Registries: KWPN Dutch Warmblood
Breeding: Arlando x Galant
Level: Prix St. Georges / Intermediate I

This is a beautiful Dutch Warmblood dressage gelding on Prix St. Georges / Intermediate I level. Out of the famous dressage line; Arlando x Galant. A fantastic “schoolhorse” for lower level dressage riders but also a great horse for the more experienced riders who want to compete on Prix St. Georges / Intermediate I.

The horse stayed on this farm of the breeder his whole life and got ridden by the same person, their daughter. As you can see, he is a correct moving horse, ridden with no pressure on the bit (no double bridle!), going Prix St. Georges and also can do more exercises out of the Grand Prix like; tempi 4-3-2 and tempi 1. The rider just started with the “baby” piaffe and at the end of the video he already find some rhythm in the piaffe! This is a 100% safe and bombproof to ride horse with lots of experience.

He has a gentle and super sweet character and safe and bombproof to ride in training, during competition and in the fields and woods! Good with the farrier and very easy to load on horse truck and trailer.

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